Eugene Spector, cetățean american, a fost condamnat la 15 ani de închisoare de un tribunal din Moscova pentru spionaj, conform unui comunicat al serviciului rus de securitate FSB, relatează Agerpres. Procesul s-a desfășurat cu ușile închise Născut în Rusia și ulterior stabilit în SUA, Spector a primit inițial o sentință de 13 ani pentru spionaj, […]
The text appears to be an error message indicating that the request was denied due to exceeding the allowed number of requests.
The message itself doesn't relate to the Romanian text provided.
The Romanian text, however, states that an American citizen was sentenced to 15 years in prison in Russia for allegedly divulging biological technology secrets to the United States.
The text appears to be an error message indicating that the request was denied due to exceeding the allowed number of requests. The message itself doesn't relate to the Romanian text provided. The Romanian text, however, states that an American citizen was sentenced to 15 years in prison in Russia for allegedly divulging biological technology secrets to the United States.